Woman's Day: Hindi ka babae lang. Babae Ka
"Hindi ka babae lang. Babae ka." one of the lines you can see all over the internet because of the International Women's day. The world observed the first International Women's day was held on 1909 in New York. International Women's day is celebrated on March 8 every year. It is the focal point in the movement of women's rights, we celebrate the cultural, economic, social, and political achievement of women. It is the women's timeframe where we choose to reflect on the progress made, to call for a change, and to enjoy or celebrate the act of courages of women. Also it is an opportunity to consider how to take steps in 2030. Especially the goal 5, to avhieve gender equality and to empower women and girls; and goal 4, to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and to promote lifelong learning. Some targets for 2030 Agenda, 1. Ensure all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education that will lead to a relevant and Goal-4 effective learning to happen. 2. Ensure all girls and boys having the chance or have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education for them to be ready for primary education. 3. End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. 4. Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private phases, including sexual, trafficking and other types of exploitation. 5. Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.